Sunday, January 07, 2007

Things To Do With $100 Billion

The following thoughts originated while discussing a completely different matter with Prof. Hsu at his blog.
As per there are about 1.2 million k-12 teachers in the US. We could give each of them a $50k salary increase and have $40 billion left over to provide whatever other needs schools have which would yield about $400k for every school (I estimate there are ~100k schools in the US).

Alternatively, we could give every one of the 7.1 million college students who receive financial aid a $14k break on their loans.

We could also do something for people who can't afford health insurance, or treat war veterans better, or many other decent things. Unfortunately, our priorities are not such. Granted the $100bn price tag is payable over the course of a few years, but any of the aforementioned causes would benefit greatly from the money disbursed over that period of time.


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